Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The other members of the Solar System


    When the weather is fine at night , we can see many stars twinkling in the sky . Once in a while we can see a bright ray of light shooting across the sky and then disappears in an instant . Some people think that the stars have fallen to the fallen ? Of course not ! The ray of light is a meteor or a shooting star .
    A meteor is meteoroid that burns in a bright streak due to great friction with the air molecules in the atmosphere . What is a meteoroid ? A meteoroid is a small piece of rock that floats about in space . In the Solar System, there are millions of meteoroids that move around the Sun . Meteoroids move close to the Earth . The force of Earth’s gravity pulls some meteoroids into the Earth’s atmosphere . Most meteoroids burn up into ashes in the atmosphere before they can reach the surface of the Earth . Sometimes some meteoroids that are not burn up completely do reach the surface of the Earth and these are known as meteorites .
    Sometimes many meteors can be seen falling from the sky . This is known as a meteor shower . 


Anonymous said...

I like the explanation and the picture is nice !

Anonymous said...

I see... Now I get to know more about meteor! Let's make a wish... :)

Anonymous said...

The explanation is easy to understand, keep it on!

Chai Tan Ning(D20112053788) said...

Thank you for your support.

Emily said...

oh,now i know what is meteor

TanLi said...

Easy to understand and attractive explanation.

Chai Tan Ning(D20112053788) said...

Thank you,I will put some more interesting knowledge about our Solar System.

Chai Tan Ning(D20112053788) said...

Thank you.

Unknown said...

Well done. Nice blog...

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

i very like it!thanks for sharing!

Chai Tan Ning(D20112053788) said...

Thank you for your comment.