Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Orther Member Of Solar System-The Natural Satellite

Natural Satellites

     A natural satellite is a celestial body ( planet) that moves around another bigger planet . A natural satellite does not give out light . For example , the Moon is a natural satellite of Earth . With the exception of Mercury and Venus , all the other planet in the Solar System have natural satellites . Mars has two natural satellites namely Phobos and Deimos . Big planets have more natural satellites . For examples , Jupiter and Saturn have 62 and 31 natural satellites respectively . Io and Europa are natural satellites of Jupiter and they are of the same size as our Moon . Another two natural satellites are Ganymede and Callisto . They are bigger than our Moon and are as big as Mercury . Among the natural satellites of Saturn, Titan is the biggest and is 1.5 times the size of our Moon . Uranus and Neptune have 24 and 13 natural satellite respectively . The biggest natural satellite of Neptune is called Triton.

The other members of the Solar System


    When the weather is fine at night , we can see many stars twinkling in the sky . Once in a while we can see a bright ray of light shooting across the sky and then disappears in an instant . Some people think that the stars have fallen to the fallen ? Of course not ! The ray of light is a meteor or a shooting star .
    A meteor is meteoroid that burns in a bright streak due to great friction with the air molecules in the atmosphere . What is a meteoroid ? A meteoroid is a small piece of rock that floats about in space . In the Solar System, there are millions of meteoroids that move around the Sun . Meteoroids move close to the Earth . The force of Earth’s gravity pulls some meteoroids into the Earth’s atmosphere . Most meteoroids burn up into ashes in the atmosphere before they can reach the surface of the Earth . Sometimes some meteoroids that are not burn up completely do reach the surface of the Earth and these are known as meteorites .
    Sometimes many meteors can be seen falling from the sky . This is known as a meteor shower .